Starting Fresh

Looks like we’re beginning again. The original site is long gone and forgotten. We’ll move forward and forget the past. We’ll begin with a new era.

Upcoming will be a walkthrough of Unlocking the boot loader and rooting the Asus Rog Phone 5s. Next will be creating a custom kernel and improving the performance of the 5s. Finally we’ll make an AOSP rom for the Rog Phone 5s.

After this we’ll explore Kali nethunter with a docking station attachment to the Rog Phone

Finally, we’ll mess around with octopi4a on the 5s as it is an ideal configuration. We can hook up a charger to one of the built in USB ports then a USB dock to the other type-c port and test the functionality on the ender 5 max.

Keep an eye out for things to come
